We're inviting you to join our joyful moment together.


Our Story

True love comes in mysterious ways. People fall in love with someone that they never knew, they never met, they never see. That was our story, when we met for the first time through social media. We did not even know each other's friends, but somehow God has a magical plan to arrange the universe and connect two individuals who barely have any mutual friends to meet, to know each other, to fall in love, and to promise that they will be together forever.
During these 2 and a half years, we truly love our roller coaster relationship. We argued, we fought, we cried, we reconciled. However, these things made our relationship blossoming into something more mature and strengthened the bond between us. We know how to support each other, we know how to encourage each other, we know how to love each other even more, day by day until death do us away.
To those who read this, we would like to invite you into our biggest milestone in our life; our wedding day. We would like to share our love, laugh and the happiest moment in life with you. Let's join us to celebrate and make memories together.

The Wedding

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

The Groom

Anggi Ben

The Son of
Mr. Tjan Cun Ing ✝
& Mrs. Sit Moy


The Bride

Monica Caroline

The Daughter of
Mr. Sukamin
& Mrs. Roslin

Counting Down

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, 1st October 2022

14.00 WIB

At KTM Resort —

Jalan Kolonel Soegiono, Tj. Pinggir, Kec. Sekupang, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau

Sunset Wedding

Saturday, 1st October 2022

17.00 WIB (On Time)

At KTM Resort —

Jalan Kolonel Soegiono, Tj. Pinggir, Kec. Sekupang, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau


Tropical Beach Wear

Blocked Heels /
Wedges No Stilettò Heels


We would like to make this wedding celebration An Intimate One. We Wish you and all the people that we love to come together & celebrate our special event of our lives, we need your help to make a reservation earlier to ensure your seat

RSVP valid till
Wednesday, 21 Sept 2022 at 21:00 PM

Personal Message

Leave a message or wishes for us!

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Happy wedding for ben & monic. Semoga langgeng slalu dan bahagia selalu.
ben & mon im happy for u both semoga menjafi pasangan yg kekal hingga maut memisahkan . lancar ya semua ya
Happy wedding for Monic & ben…Saling mencintai selamanya dan selamat berbahagia buat kedua keluarga besar. God bless us all🙏🏻
Didik Santoso
Tuhan memberkati
Didik Santoso
Selamat ya Non Monic sama Koko Beben Semoga Tuhan memberkati hingga kakek nenek dimurahkan rejekinya dan segera mendapatkan Baby Aamiin❤️❤️❤️
Mr Benny G
Selamat dan Turut berbahagia bagi kedua mempelai Tuhan Yesus Memberkati
Andi Putra Anggara
Cieeee.. unboxing GBU
Johan Lim hwie liong
Selamat dan Bahagia untuk Anggi dan Monica. Tuhan selalu menyertai sampai selamanya🙏🙏
Kwin Fo
Selamat Menempuh HIDUP BARU, Semoga Berbahagia
Happy wedding for Monic & Ben. Saling mengasihi sampai selamanya. Tuhan Yesus memberkati
Mr. Simanungkalit
Selamat berbahagia buat kedua keluarga besar terkhusus buat kedua mempelai. Tuhan Yesus berkati pernikahannya dan rumahtangganya.
Adjeng casmo
Paopao.... Selamat berbahagia, semoga menjadi pasangan sejati yang abadi!! Kalian begitu serasi. Gemesh ❤❤❤❤❤
Congrats ko Ben n c Mon!! 🥳🥳 Selamat dan berbahagia dalam menempuh hidup baru sebagai pasangan suami istri, semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati sekarang dan selama-lamanya!
Happy wedding ko anggi and ce monic smga menjadi keluarga yang bahagia dan penuh cinta
Happy wedding ko anggi and ce monic smga menjadi keluarga yang bahagia dan penuh cinta
Congrats Monn!!! 🥰🥰 Have a blissful marriage
Joni astin
Omg finally!!! Congratulations to you both !!
Awei & Vella
Congrats on your wedding day ahead yaa, Mon. Sorry banget gabisa hadir, karna kami jg ada bikin acara ulang tahun anak kedua. Sama nih tgl lahir anak kami sma tgl married kalian 🥰 We wish you guys always love each other no matter what happened 💕 God bless your marriage 🙏
Keke Irene Kaunang
Selamat dan berbahagia dalam menempuh Hidup Baru sebagai pasangan suami istri, kasih Tuhan melingkupi Monic dan Ben sekarang dan selamanya.
Happy wedding Monic and ben Happily ever after
Selamat menempuh hidup Baru,smoga langgeng sampai tua...GBU
Subagio & Elisan
Happy Wedding Ben & Mon. Selamat berbahagia utk kalian dan keluarga besar 🥰 ALL THE BEST
Jaslene zhang
Happy wedding Monic & Ben Happily ever after
Congratulations for both of you. God Bless....
Happy weding bek... Mantap bek...
Er Dianto
Congrats Ben & Mon, Happily Ever After!
James Valentino
decky chandra
Happy wedding monic 🙏🏻
Charles Arista Wijaya
Congrats !!🎉, "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." –1 John 4:12
Eny Wiwiani
Happy wedding Ben-Mon ❤️ Happily ever after🌟
Eny Wiwiani
Happy wedding Ben-Mon ❤️ Happily ever after🌟
Jenny Lendou
Congratulations to both of You Ben and Monic. All the best..happy marriage . Jbu
Titus Allo
Thank you Monic and Ben for letting us share in this joyful day We wish you all the best as you embark on this wonderful union
Timotius Allo
Congrats Monic & Ben. May God bless your marriage life.
Edi & Siu Cin
Congrats Monic & Ben! Wishing you all of the love and happiness.
Happy Wedding Monica & Ben Wish U all The best
Conggrats sis 😍
Vincent And Juniarti
Congrats Anggi and Monic!!! Wish you two a happy and loving marriage, God bless you always!
Elvin Tan
Congrats Ben & Mon ! Happily ever after yaaa !
Elvi and Aquamen
Tuhan berkati segala persiapan dan rumah tangga kalian dari awal pertengahan hingga akhirnya.
Ng's Family
Dear Monica, Congratz on ur wedding day. May u have a blissful marriage life with eternal love. God bless u and future family abundantly 😇🤗
Wong tjin fat
Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Saling mencintai hingga kakek nenek.
Jackie & Dena
Ben & Monica Wishing you a long and happy marriage🙏
Riyanto & Rusnah
Happy wedding, wish you all the best to Monica & Ben
Selalu menjadi pasangan yang berharga di mata Tuhan, istri tunduk pada suami dan suami selalu mengasihi istri (Efesus 5)
Andy (Taffeta Decor)
Selamat Berbahagia Untuk Ben & Monic & Keluarga Besar 🙏
Congratulations Monic! Thank you for letting us share in your special day. We wish you all the happiness in the world🌹🌹💜💜
Kim Dennis
Congratulations Mon and Ben!!! Good luck till the D-day! Wishing you both double happiness and love! 💕💕✨✨
Maya & Rama
Congratsss mon!! ❤️✨ finally the day.. so happy for both of you, wishing a lifetime of love and happiness,ben & mon✨
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing day.
Canna blessings belongs to Ben and Monic, God blessed you
Jimy Krisdianto
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Monic dan Ben. Kiranya damai sejahtera dan sukacita senantiasa menaungi keluarga kalian. Tetapi hendaklah kamu ramah seorang terhadap yang lain, penuh kasih mesra dan saling mengampuni, sebagaimana Allah di dalam Kristus telah mengampuni kamu."
Happy wedding : wish you all the best
Congratulations! Wishing you lots of love and happiness
Happy wedding.. wish u all the best
Heng & Fei
You can always agree to disagree. Love (GOD) is above all. ♡
Alvin Kho & Krystelle Seow
Many would say that marriage is a sacred institution, but let's be brutally honest; it's also hard work. It takes commitment, dedication and real effort for two unique individuals to come together as one. However, if you are able to overcome the challenges and hurdles as a couple, the rewards are well worth it. So congratulations to a beautiful couple and we wish you both all the love, success, happiness and growth for this new chapter of your lives.
Alex Kho and Vivian Sim
Thank you for letting us share in this joyful day. We love to see two people who deserve happiness so much find it with each other and we wish you all the best as you embark on this wonderful union.
William Zen
MonCar!!! Congratss to both of you! Wish u all the best until the wedding day yaaa!!!
Felix Yuwono
Finally! Happy wedding to you two! Wish you all the best in a whole new journey. 👍🥳🥳

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e-Ticket to the #BenMonikah


Wedding Gift

Your love, kind wishes and prayer on our wedding day is the greatest gift of all. However, should you wish to send us blessing via online registry that we set up, you can conveniently transfer through our bank account.

Send Angpao via BCA QR Code

Monica Caroline


Delivery Gift:

Penuin Centre blok G no. 5-6, Nagoya - Batu Selicin, Kec. Lubuk Baja, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29441

Hashtag & Filter

Please Click Here Button For Hashtag Wedding On Your Instagram

“Don’t miss this beautiful moment! we have provided a special Instagram filter that you can use by scanning the QR code below.”


17:00 – Sunset Wedding Starts
17:15 – Cocktails Time
17:30 – Bride & Groom walk down the aisle 

18:00 – Dinner
18:30 – Lucky Draw
19:00 – Games
19:25 – Highlight Video on Screen
19:30 – Choreo Wedding Dance
19:40 – Games
20:00 – Door prize
20:30 – After Party


After the Holy Matrimony, the bride will have a touch-up & taking pictures nearby for around two hours. Guests can head straight to the reception area where we will be serving finger foods and beverages or feel free to chill out at Ombak Bar (still inside the KTM Resort area) on your expenses while waiting for the Reception.

We recommend that you arrive 30 mins before the start of the event, to make
sure everyone is on time and we can get the party started as scheduled. We have
special Lucky Draw for first 10 person who come early. Don’t forget it’s a Sunset
Wedding. You don’t want to miss out, don’t you?

We have a strict guest list. Our wedding is strictly RSVP only. We will only able to accommodate those listed on your invitation.

Your seat will be arranged according to the layout plan, feel free to ask our. Usher when you do the check-in.

You will be missed! If you cannot make it to the wedding, please let us know as soon as possible and RSVP “no,” so we can plan accordingly.

We will provide a bus only for family & friends from other city (limited seat). Meeting point at Hotel Blitz Batam Centre. Hours : 12.45 PM noon. Bus will leave at 1 PM, so please be on time. Kindly inform us if you need the bus or drive with your own transportation.

Since the venue is quite far away from the city, we would like to recommend you to stay at Batam Centre area as we have prepared a bus for our friends from other city and the meeting point is at Blitz Hotel Batam Centre.


You could try our recommendation : Blitz Hotel Batam Centre, Hotel Santika Batam, Harris Hotel Batam Centre, Pollux Meisterstadt Apartment & One Residence Apartment. This is the newest hotel to stay.


If you want to travel around, you could rent a car to Mr. Robert 0812-703-3000

Yes, we encourage guests to post pictures on to their social media channels, our only request is that you tag each photo with our wedding hashtag #BenMonikah so we can keep track of all of your pictures!

Yes, we will held an after party for limited seat (30 pax only). Kindly RSVP to us if you are joining the after party so we can be prepared.

Kindly contact our PIC – Mr. Gishen 0878-8419-9241 or if you have personal number of the Groom & Bride, don’t hesitate to contact us!

If you have any questions/concerns.
Please click this:

Our Gallery

"We may not have it together, but together we have it all"

Instagram Filter

Don’t miss this beautiful moment! We have provided a special Instagram filter that you can use by pressing the button below

We hope that you’ll stay safe wherever you are. Online or offline, your support and blessings are greatly appreciated.

Ben & Monic


Thankyou for the love & blessings to us. We would like to do the gift confirmation by fill in the form below :

Perum. Bumi Sakinah 4 Blok C5 no. 15 RT. 04/ RW. 08 , Desa Muktiwari , Cibitung , Kab. Bekasi , Jawa Barat

Terima Kasih

Angpao Digital

Bank BCA


An Misdinia Mayasari